Endoscopic facelift is a popular technique because it is a surgical procedure with very few and concealed incisions, getting very effective results in patients who do not require “full facial rejuvenation” yet and carry early signs of aging. This technique alone is the perfect choice for the patient with less skin sagging or loosening, without any problems in the lower face and neck region.
In the endoscopic facelift surgery, a few small incisions are made in the scalp and temple region and sometimes in the mouth. Sagging tissues on the cheeks are lifted by an endoscope (a small light source camera) and special instruments. The face is refreshed and rejuvenated without causing any visible scar tissue.
This technique can be used in combination if you have visible sagging in your skin and excess fat or skin on your neck. In other words, while the forehead, eyebrows, and mid-face can be lifted with the endoscopic technique, the neck and neckline can be corrected by conventional facial rejuvenation techniques.
Who can be a candidate for endoscopic facelift?
Endoscopic facelift is particularly effective in those with the following imperfections:
Those having sagging in the area from the lower eyelid to the corner of the mouth.
Deep wrinkles from the nostrils to the corner of the mouth (nasolabial)
People with a sagging smile
Endoscopic facelift can be considered as a light touch to reduce gravity. The face that gravity pulls down in time is lifted up vertically. The procedure is less invasive than other facelift operations, and it gives a natural and younger appearance without the need for a full facelift.
The most important advantage of endoscopic facelift is to cause little or no scarring in the patient.
Which Procedures are Followed during Endoscopic Facelift?
During the endoscopic facelift, an endoscope (a very small camera) is placed in an incision and the surgical instrument is placed in another incision. Basaran, MD can control both the camera and the surgical instrument and can change the subcutaneous tissue through the image on the television screen. Although endoscopic facelift is not as dynamic as the traditional facelift, it provides the benefits being more difficult to obtain on the forehead and cheek by the traditional facelift. However, due to the structure of the procedure, the chin line and neck imperfections are not operated.
The buccal fat pad is a special pocket of fat within the cheek. Excess buccal fat causes a very full, cheeky appearance. Buccal fat is a continuation of the deep fat pad within the facial muscles on both sides of the face.
It can be easily separated from the other structures of the face and is a perfect target to reduce the lower face fullness.
Excessive buccal fat gives the face an appearance of chubby or baby-face. Many people with an excess of buccal or lower face fat are unhappy about this appearance. Unfortunately, in many cases, the excess fat in this lower face is highly resistant to the effects of diet and exercise, and it may cause a full appearance even in those whose other body regions are slender.
Buccal fat pad removal is a simple and effective technique to reduce facial fullness, providing slender contour on the face. This procedure transforms the facial shape from the square or boxy appearance to sharper lines and more attractive “V” or “heart-shaped”.
During the natural aging process, sun exposure, environmental factors, gravity and repetitive movements such as concentrating and squinting result in frown lines on the forehead. Many patients are uncomfortable with the negative effect on the general aesthetic appearance of these lines and choose eyebrow lift surgery to remove these imperfections.
Thanks to progress in the modern surgery, Başaran, MD can offer eyebrow lift options in which very small incisions are used and these incisions are never seen due to the hairline.
Women and men looking for solutions to the following problems are good candidates for eyebrow lift:
Deep, horizontal wrinkles on the forehead
Angry or tired look due to sagging of the eyebrows
Wrinkles between the eyebrows and at the top of the nose
Coronal Incision Technique: an incision commonly concealed by hair is used in this eyebrow lift technique. The incision begins above the ears and continues along the top of the scalp. In some patients, the incision passes in front of the hairline to avoid elevation in the hairline.
The incision will be as invisible as possible after healing, regardless of its placement. Başaran, MD can restructure the muscles that cause the frown lines or take some of them by coronal incision, and remove the excess skin before lifting your eyebrows to a younger position.
Endoscopic eyebrow lift: In this limited incision technique, an endoscope (a thin tube with a light on the end is attached to a video camera) is used for surgical imaging. Instead of a long incision, this endoscope is inserted in a few incisions on the scalp, so the scar tissue is minimized and the recovery period is shortened.
Other Limited Incision Techniques: Some limited incision eyebrow lift techniques can be performed without using an endoscope. Small temple incisions can be made to lift the sagging eyebrows, and upper eyelid incisions may be preferred to remove the frown lines.
Chin is the most important aesthetic component of the lower face. With the nose, it forms the shape and profile of the entire face. Diminishing bone density with aging and weakening soft tissue support in the face cause the jaw to recede slowly. This results in the appearance of a smaller or “weak” chin. A weak chin may cause the nose and upper teeth to seem more prominent, and the jaw and neckline may become undefined. Chin implant surgery is a way to remove these problems by increasing or changing the size and projection of the chin.
The chin implant, also known as chin augmentation or mentoplasty, is performed to strengthen the chin and jowl line, making them symmetrical and proportionate to the rest of the face. The purpose of the chin implant is to improve the patient’s profile by creating a better balance between the chin and the rest of the face.
Women and men with underdeveloped chin development are excellent candidates for chin implant surgery. Receding chin disrupts the balance of the facial profile, and if the nose is large, this imbalance becomes more prominent because the chin looks smaller. The reason of an underdeveloped chin may be crowding of the underlying neck structures, thereby creating fullness under the chin, reducing the jaw line definition, and leading a false plump facial appearance. The chin implant can be performed alone, or with other facial surgeries and is one of the most effective procedures to help the face to rejuvenate.
If protruding or poorly shaped ears bother you or your child, you may consider ear surgery — also known as otoplasty—as a potential solution. Otoplasty can improve the proportion, position, or shape of the ear. A defect in the ear structure that was present at birth can also be corrected, and a deformity in the ear as a result of an injury can be treated. Ear surgery can bring balance and proportion to the ears and face.
Even correction of minor deformities can provide immense benefits to the appearance and self-esteem.
Specifically, ear surgery can treat:
prominent ears present on one or both sides of the face
Enlarged ears
Adult dissatisfaction with the previous ear surgery
Ear surgery is one of the few cosmetic procedures that can be performed in children older than six. Many parents prefer ear surgery for their children in order to protect them from being an object of ridicule in school. Ear deformities can be caused by numerous situations. Weak or poorly formed ear cartilage can cause small, prominent ears or absent ears (microtia). Also, deformities occur on the ears due to injury (e.g. trauma or dog bite). Deformity of the ears may cause social anxiety and may make children vulnerable to ridiculing. Regardless of the reason of the ear deformity, Başaran, MD can correct these ear conditions during an otoplasty procedure. Ear surgeries do not affect the patient’s hearing, but they may improve one’s appearance and self-confidence. To ensure symmetry and balance, the surgery is typically performed on both ears. Cosmetic ear surgery takes approximately 2-3 hours, although the duration of the surgery and the surgical technique used will depend on the nature of each patient’s case.
Eyelid surgery also known as blepharoplasty improves the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids or both. It gives a rejuvenated appearance to the surrounding area of your eyes and makes you look more awake and rested. As getting older; eyelid skin stretches, muscles weaken, fatty deposits accumulate, sagging occurs in your upper eyelids, horizontal forehead furrows appear, and excessive wrinkling or dark discoloration of the thin eyelid skin becomes evident. Such unwelcomed signs may also be accelerated by other factors including; environmental influences, hormone imbalance, smoking, alcohol intake, drug abuse, improper diet, poor health and excessive exposure to the sun. Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) performs the removal or manipulation of the skin, fat, and muscle of your eyelids to give you a more youthful appearance.
The blepharoplasty operation can be performed on both your upper and lower eyelids (separately or at the same time). Aesthetics concerns are not the only reason for having eyelid surgery; extra skin hanging over your eyes can sometimes impair your vision.
Conditions treated with eyelid surgery include:
Excess fatty deposits giving the upper eyelids a puffy appearance.
Loose or sagging skin creating folds or disturbing the natural contour of the upper eyelid (sometimes impairing a patient’s vision).
The removal of excess skin and fine wrinkles from the lower eyelid.
Bags under the eyes.
Blepharoplasty is a procedure generally lasting 1-2 hours. Eyelid surgery can be performed under local sedation or general anaesthesia. Eyelid surgery scars are nearly undetectable because the incisions for an upper blepharoplasty are made in the natural crease of the eyelid. For lower eyelid surgery, the incision may be placed precisely at the lash line or in the lower eyelid without any visible scarring. Stitches (often self-dissolvable) are used in most cases to close incisions and keep the delicate skin of the eyelid together during the recovery period.
Recovery period for the main swelling and bruising after eyelid surgery takes approximately 7-10 days. Dissolvable stitches dissolve on their own, while permanent stitches will be taken out in 4-7 days. For the first few weeks, you may experience dry or watery eyes, blurring or double vision, and sensitivity to light but these symptoms will gradually subside. You can turn to normal activity in 3-4 days, but you should avoid strenuous physical activity for 2-3 weeks after your surgery.
Facelift surgeries have changed significantly in the last 10 years. Many surgeons now use the term ‘facial rejuvenation’ instead of the term stretching. The facial skin stretched excessively in old years or stretched in a single plan has caused a very artificial appearance.
Nowadays, the purpose of facial rejuvenation is no longer to lift the facial skin in a single plan. The main purpose is to tighten the subcutaneous over-muscle layer which is called SMAS. For this purpose, many SMAS tightening techniques have been described. The main principle allows the subcutaneous tissues to become tighter, thereby using the skin as a cover.
In conventional facelift surgeries, the shape of the incision varies from person to person but is generally planned on the scalp, within and behind the ear in order to conceal scars. The problems caused by excessively stretched skin in the past are no longer visible after modern methods which the skin is used only as a cover. After years, the scar on the incision line is hardly seen in most patients.
In facial rejuvenation surgeries, Başaran, MD treats the middle and upper facial parts with endoscopic (camera system) in the first stage and makes the middle face ideal. This may occur at the same time or in a separate session with facial rejuvenation. The second stage is the contour of the jaw line and neck area.
The recovery of the neck area is of great importance in order to get a good facial rejuvenation result.
For many individuals, the neck is the first region of the body to show the negative effects of the aging process. For men and women who have lost weight, an undesired side effect may be loose and sagging skin that has lost its elasticity. A neck lift operation can remedy neck-related aging issues such as fatty jowls (double chin), vertical bands along the neck, or laxity of the neck muscle. Specific problems that can be resolved by Başaran, MD with neck lift surgery can be summarized in three basic categories.
Loose Skin: Loose skin is a common feature of the aging process and increases with gravity.
Muscle Sagging: Sagging muscle, known as plastysmal banding, is a result of the aging process. It impacts the thin, wide muscle sheet (the platysma) that extends all the way across the neck, on either side. During the aging process, the edge of the muscle on each side of the neck begins to sag downward, leading to two visible bands that extend from just below the chin toward the collarbone. This sagging skin and muscle are often described colloquially as a “turkey gobbler” deformity.
Excess Fat: Patients with excess fat in the neck region have unwanted fullness below the chin that contributes to a poorly defined jaw line and the appearance of a double chin.
Nose reshaping surgery (technically referred to as rhinoplasty), can improve the appearance and proportion of the patient’s nose, enhancing the balance and proportion of facial features, thereby increasing patients’ self-confidence. Rhinoplasty is also performed for non-aesthetic reasons, to correct impaired breathing caused by structural abnormalities in the nose.
Rhinoplasty can change the followings:
Nose size, in relation to other facial structures
Nose width
Nose profile, visible humps or depressions
A nasal tip that is large or bulbous, drooping or too upturned
Large, wide or outward nostrils
Nasal asymmetry and deviation
Breathing problems caused by nasal issues, for example, septum deviation
Revision Rhinoplasty: Başaran, MD has specialized in revision rhinoplasty, which is a corrective surgery for patients who are dissatisfied with the outcome of a previous rhinoplasty surgery, or who are suffering from a nasal injury incurred after their first nasal reshaping surgery.
The first place we often focus on when we encounter a new person is the eyes, and this is the first change that many patients notice with aging. Eye contour procedures are collected under periorbital rejuvenation. Young and natural looking eyes are essential to create harmony with the rest of the face, and eyelid surgery can be done in conjunction with other facial rejuvenation procedures. It is necessary to protect the soft tissue around the eye as much as possible to avoid the appearance of the depressed eye, which is a symptom of aging. Where possible, the lower eyelids may be treated with a small incision through the eyelid. There are various methods for treating the aging eye area and are described below.